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Fiftieth Anniversary in Freemasonry of Bro. Gordon Little

Event date: 2016-03-15

On Tuesday 15th March the Brethren of Lewis Lodge No 872, gathered to celebrate the 50th anniversary in Freemasonry of Bro Gordon Little.  In attendance was the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W Bro Bill Morley, and a Provincial team. 
The APGM gave an account of Bro Little’s life, career and hobbies, which include a keen interest and expertise in beekeeping.  Bro Little was initiated into Lewis Lodge on 15th March 1966 and he followed in the footsteps of both his father and his grandfather, who was Master of Lewis Lodge in 1910.  That family connection has continued and both Gordon’s sons are members of the Lodge. 
Bro Little was presented with his commemorative certificate, received the acclamation of the brethren and the celebrations continued at the festive board afterwards. 

(pictured left to right:  Bro Peter Sempie, WM of Lewis Lodge, Bro Gordon Little, Bro Chris Little, Gordon’s son)

Contributed by: W.Bro. Mark Edmiston