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Excester Lodge No. 6228 donate £1,000 for outside play area – Provincial Grand Lodge of Devonshire

Excester Lodge No. 6228

Children and young people staying in the RD&E’s Bramble Unit now have a completely revamped outside play area thanks to a massive fundraising drive by local people.

In just two years, more than £32,000 has been raised to fund the project. Exeter Lions funded the original play area built in the mid-1980s, and then launched a fundraising campaign joined by the Exeter Foundation, bike riders from Otter Wheels, and £1,000 donation from Excester Lodge No. 6228.

The play area has been given a full range of new brightly coloured equipment including
large wooden climbing frame, walkways, buggies and play house. It has also been resurfaced with a child-friendly soft bounce material that will last for many years to come.

The playground is regarded as an essential area to help recovery and boost the well-being of the many brave children and young people who need to stay on the ward.

Sarah Haywood, senior nurse for paediatrics at the RD&E, said: “This campaign has been an incredible journey for all of us and we are so proud and delighted that it has been
possible to raise so much money to make such an improvement to the outside play area.

“We could not have done this without the support, dedication and generosity of all the
fundraisers involved, and I would like to publically thank them for everything they’ve done and continue to do for the RD&E and our children, young people and families.

“The new play area is a wonderful outside space which will serve our children and their families well for many years to come.”