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Excellent Presentation of the Exaltation Ceremony – Worcestershire Provincial Grand Chapter

Thursday 2nd June 2016 saw 39 Companions attend the Regular Convocation of White Ensign Chapter. With 19 Chapter members and 20 Visitors, including the 7 Members of the Provincial Presentation Team, the Chapter Room had a superb ambiance, and, once the Presentation Team commenced their enactment of the Exaltation Ceremony the assembled company were enthralled by the demonstration and explanation that unfolded before them.

Under the watchful eye of the Past Deputy Grand Superintendent, Geoff Weston, our well known Provincial Thespian, E. Comp. Colin Young narrated the story as told and enacted by E. Comps, Jeremy Mallin, Derek Owen, Tim Jones, Alan Bolton and Paul Sturdy assisted by one of our newest Companions, John Pace, acting as the Candidate.

Our Visitors from Warwickshire and Staffordshire were extremely impressed with what they saw and indeed on completion of the Presentation their questions, very ably answered by the Team, clearly demonstrated the value of what had taken place.

An excellent evening in the Temple was followed by an equally enjoyable Festive Board and the members of White Ensign left very contented that not only had they experienced a very successful evening but that they had provided all that could be expected by the Visiting Companions whose attendance and support is always greatly valued.

The Principals, Officers and Members of White Ensign Chapter are indebted to the Provincial Presentation Team for the quality of their work perhaps summed up by E. Comp. Geoff Weston when he indicated that, like a good wine, the Presentation matured with age.