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Dronfield Lodge and Provincial Charity support Newfields Learning and Resource Centre

W Bro. Shaun Meakin, ProvGStwd, recently visited Newfields Learning and Resource Centre in Eckington to present them with a with a cheque for £250 from the Provincial Grand Charity. This sum matched an earlier donation from Dronfield Lodge No. 9570.

Newfields works with those with learning difficulties or disabilities by teaching skills that many of us take for granted. The money will go towards household items, such as sheets (so that users of the service can learn to make a bed) or an ironing board (so that they can learn to iron). The aim is to help attendees learn to lead a more independent life.


Pictured are W Bro. Shaun Meakin, along with some of the staff and attendees from Newfields, holding the plaque showing support from Derbyshire Freemasons which they are proud to display.