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Double double initiation for Parachute Regiment Lodge No. 9315

Paras initiate at the double!

On Saturday, 5th March 2016, Parachute Regiment Lodge No. 9315 initiated four candidates – this being the second time in two meetings that the lodge has carried out such a double double initiation.

This is a rare achievement in its own right but was made even more special because one of the initiations was that of the Worshipful Master initiating his 18-year-old son, possibly the youngest Lewis currently in London.

The ceremony began with the lodge Secretary reading out two dispensations, one for Harry Conner Hickey, the Worshipful Master’s son, and the other for John Riches.

The first double initiation ceremony was that of Bros Hickey and Riches, and was conducted by the Worshipful Master, W Bro Ed Hickey. The second double ceremony was that of Bro Robert Bert and Bro Jordan Campbell, and was undertaken by W Bro Mike Palmer, the Assistant Secretary who thanked the Worshipful Master for allowing him to initiate his own son-in-law.

Bros Jason Hurd and Matthew Gray delivered the Working Tools to the Candidates and the First Degree Charge was delivered by W Bro Peter Digby. The ceremonies were conducted in a very sincere manor by all the officers and particular mention should be made of the Junior Deacon, the acting IPM’s son, whose work was excellent and whose workload was considerable.

W Bro Richard Powis, LGR, LGCR, the lodge Mentor welcomed the brethren and presented them with their welcome packs. The brethren afterwards retired to Parkers for the Festive Board.