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“Discover Freemasonry” Seminar – Twickenham – Wednesday 19 September – 7pm

The “Discover Freemasonry” Seminar is being launched at the Twickenham Masonic Centre on Wednesday 19 September, registration at 19.00 with the presentations starting at 19.30.

Our goal is to increase our membership from a defined radius surrounding our 5 masonic centres. We have already started to advertise the seminar using geographically targeted social media and the results have been very encouraging – over 50 people have signed up including several women.

The Seminar Team have completely modernised the presentation to make it more relevant to our target audience which includes ample time for Q&A sessions in the temple as well as after the presentations in a more informal setting.

Our speakers for this launch event are Omaid Hiwaizi – Provincial Communications Officer, Daniel Graham – digital team leader on the Provincial Communications Committee, Michael Karn -3rdProvGPrin & Prestonian Lecturer, Nigel Harris-Cooksley – Provincial Membership Officer and Nigel Codron, APGM/Chairman of the PCC together with a group of young Master Masons who will share their early masonic experience with the audience. I have also invited Christine Chapman, MW Grand Master of the HFAF to attend to answer questions from the female attendees.

What do we need from you? We are asking your Lodge to bring along any potential initiates that your members have in mind, as this will be a perfect way to introduce them to freemasonry in Middlesex.

Please note that existing masons may only attend if they are bringing a candidate.

Please register on the website using this link;

We look forward to welcoming a representation from your Lodge

Yours sincerely & fraternally

W. Bro. Nigel A. Codron, SGD, AProvGM

1. Welcome & Introduction to Middlesex Province – Nigel Codron, APGM

2. What Is Freemasonry? Interactive Q&A Session – Omaid Hiwaizi, PCO & Daniel Graham, PCC Team

3. Man Behind The Mason – A Selection Of Master Masons

4. 300 Years Of Freemasonry – Michael Karn, 3ProvGPrin & Prestonian Lecturer

5. Want To Know More? What To Do Next? – Nigel Harris-Cooksley, PMO

6. Final Comments – Nigel Codron, APGM

Meet The Masons – Tea/Coffee And Opportunity To Mingle With Members And Ask Questions


Download a copy of the letter HERE

Download a copy of the Agenda HERE

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