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Darlington Freemasons back cancer care appeal

Darlington Freemasons have donated £3,000 to the Excellence in Cancer Care appeal, which is aimed at improving the facilities at the University Hospital of North Durham

FREEMASONS have donated £3,000 to support to an appeal to improve cancer care in the area.

Darlington Freemasons made the donation to support the Excellence in Cancer Care appeal, which is aimed at improving facilities at the University Hospital of North Durham.

The donation included £1,000 from the Durham Benevolence.

Freemason Claude Stewart said: “It was unlikely that anyone, family or friends, had escaped the traumatic consequences of the various types of cancer affecting so many.

“This donation should help the chemotherapy day unit at the University Hospital of North Durham to improve the outdated facilities in its consultation, waiting and operational areas.

“All of us know just too well how hard it is to cope with the effects of cancer, and I’m proud to say that by making this donation, Darlington and Durham Freemasons are doing something tangible to extend and make the treatment facilities more comfortable for those in need of them.”

Cheques were presented to Prof Paul Keane and Pat Chambers of the County Durham and Darlington NHS foundation Trust Charity at a special presentation evening by Edward Villiers, of the St Cuthbert Lodge, Andrew Leigh, of the Chapter of Vigilance and Kevin Williams of Durham Benevolence.