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Christmas donation from Derbyshire Freemasons to LEVEL’S disability outreach project

LEVEL, the national arts and disability charity based in Rowsley has received an early Christmas present of £700 from Derbyshire Freemasons.

LEVEL offers many exciting and engaging contemporary art events and the money donated by the Freemasons has contributed towards the SENSE Performance Outreach Tour around rural Derbyshire and Derby City. The tour has been piloted in 10 centres across rural Derbyshire and Derby City and has focused on engaging people with PMLD (profound, multiple learning disabilities) and complex disabilities – from children to older people – as the piece is universal to all.

Derbyshire Freemason, Ian Annable’s son Robert is a regular visitor at the LEVEL centre, “Robert loves to be involved in such high quality, stimulating, performances and he would not have the opportunity if it were not for the LEVEL centre.”

The SENSE Performance is a 45-minute interactive project designed to explore the (human) senses through physical theatre, sound, vision, smell, touch and taste – all the sensory stuff that is so important to reach people with complex needs.

Says Outreach Arts Leader, Katie Ward: “The response has been positive and has reinforced the fact that high quality artistic sensory work is needed for these communities, where access to inspirational sensory stimulation and powerful live art performance work is limited due to the growing number of people marginalised because of their social and economic circumstances. LEVEL intends to tour SENSE for Spring/Summer 2017 and this marvellous donation from the Freemasons will help that to happen.”