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Cheshire Freemasons donate to Girlguiding Cheshire Forest

Since 2010 Girlguiding Cheshire Forest have been collecting funds to replace their outdated residential centre at Sandiway called “The Lodge”. The current centre has facilities for 24 youngsters and six leaders, it was built 25 years ago and is rather small and needs replacing. The new eco-friendly unit, architecturally designed to blend with 17.5 acres of woodland will house 30 youngsters and eight leaders with special accommodation for another two. The total project is valued at £1.1 million and nearing completion, one final push is required to make the new unit habitable with the fitting out of en-suite sleeping accommodation and kitchen.

Cheshire Masons have assisted with the presentation of a cheque to help the final push and make the building operational. WBro George Mann APGM presented a cheque to Cynthia Gent the County President during a recent visit and took the opportunity of inspecting this new facility which will enable children to appreciate the countryside in a safe and secure environment learning more about country matters whilst having fun, adventure and building great camaraderie amongst all who attend.

The Freemasons were sure of a warm welcome – even a special parking space!

The old timber clad building called “The Lodge”  needing some real TLC

The new dining room and activity centre; light, bright and environmentally friendly with special lighting and underfloor heating

George Mann APGM presents a cheque to Cheshire County President Cynthia Gent

Some of the many helpers who give up their time week after week to tend the forest and prepare for the youngsters

Activity Centre Logo for all the wear with pride to show they have used this new facility