LOI donate to Blood Bikers – Provincial Grand Lodge of Staffordshire

At their Recent Lodge of Instruction annual Festival, St Modwens Lodge of Instruction in Burton on Trent were pleased to present a cheque for £500 to the Blood Bikers. Blood bikers carry emergency supplies of blood, plasma and even organs between donors and hospitals which need them. The bikes are owned by Blood Bikers and … Read more

Musket, Pike and Drum Lodge Consecrated – Provincial Grand Lodge of Staffordshire

Over 100 brethren gathered at Ashfield House Burton on Trent to witness the Consecration of Musket Pike and Drum Lodge No.9906, the lodge of historical re-enactors. The Provincial Grand Master RW Bro Dr Alexander Ian Stewart TD, assisted by his team, conducted the Consecration of the lodge, and the Primus Worshipful Master, W.Bro Paul Barrass, … Read more

Rough Ashlar Club 1st year celebration – Provincial Grand Lodge of Staffordshire

Rough Ashlar Club 1st year celebration The Rough Ashlar Club of Staffordshire will be pulling our first masonic year together with a fantastic Chinese banquet at a fabulous restaurant, used by masons for some time. This great venue offers all kinds of foods to fit all palates and you will not be disappointed. This is … Read more

Ladies efforts bring rich rewards for charity – Provincial Grand Lodge of Staffordshire

The Ladies Gift Fund for Masonic Charities, involving Staffordshire, Warwickshire and Worcestershire, has announced the raising of a final total of £6,526 for charity from their Christmas Gift Fayre, held at Wolverhampton in November. As always, the Fayre had a large and varied assembly of stalls selling gifts including plants, crockery, jigsaws, books, and more. … Read more