Freemasons Charity Clay Shoot At Dalby Hall raised £1,045

On Sunday 25th June 2017, 23 teams of 4 guns and individuals totalling over 100 entries from 10 Lodges took part in the competition with the host Lodge, Eccles and their Mother Lodge, Shakespeare entering 5 teams each. The sporting round of 50 clays over 5 stands proved challenging and enjoyable to all who took part. A practice stand and 2 have-a-go facilities were also available and proved to be very popular. The weather was very kind and crowds thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon.

A Lecture on Various Rituals of Freemasonry by Rev George Oliver D.D

Delivered in the Witham Lodge, LincoIn, 1863, by THE REV. G. OLIVER, D.D. PAST D.P.G.M. FOR LINCOLNSHIRE;Honorary Member of numerous Lodges and Literary Societies in various parts of the World. BRETHREN, It is rather late in life for me to appear before a Lodge of intelligent Masons in the capacity of a lecturer; and it … Read more