Proposed New Chapter for Oxfordshire

Over the last few months, there has been a considerable amount of activity within Semper Paratus Lodge concerning the possible formation of a new Chapter. Due to the increasing success of the Lodge, which had 14 members when it relocated from London to the Province 5 years ago and now has over 40, there is a need to provide additional stimulus and growth within the Semper Paratus circle.

Community good causes and charities Benefit from Freemasons in Witney Oxfordshire

Each year the Buttercross Freemasons Lodge in Witney, raises money for community good causes and charities. The year 2015 – 2016 was no exception, the Worshipful Master Ron Ashton decided to select the Eynsham and Long Hanborough Medical Care Group to receive £1000. This was not only in recognition of the continued good work, support and medical care the Centre continues to provide the local community, but in recent times they helped both him and his wife through periods of illness!