Isle of Man Post Office celebrates 300 years of English Freemasonry with hidden secret stamps

Isle of Man Post Office is celebrating 300 years of English Freemasonry’s first Grand Lodge with a special set of six stamps that have been created together with London Design Agency, Glazier Design, with the cooperation of the United Grand Lodge of England. The stamps are filled with symbols and references including a hidden logo only visible under UV light, GPS references to places important in Freemasonry including those on the Isle of Man and a subtle ribbon honouring the 50th year of the office of the current Grand Master, HRH the Duke of Kent.

First peek at the South West’s Tercentenary Banner – Provincial Grand Lodge of Devonshire

The Banner will be dedicated by the Provincial Grand Chaplain at the PGL meeting in April 2017. Then as part of the Tercentenary Celebrations it will complete a journey through the 8 Provinces that form the South West Region, Jersey, Guernsey and Alderney, Hampshire and the IofW, Wiltshire, Dorset, Somerset, Devonshire and Cornwall.

Worcestershire Masonic Library & Museum staging a unique Exhibition at The Guildhall in Worcester

The Worcestershire Masonic Library and Museum will be staging a unique Exhibition at The Guildhall in Worcester between the 23rd of July and the 5th August 2017, as part of the celebrations of 300 years of Freemasonry.

This Exhibition, which will be the largest ever staged by the Library and Museum, will also, celebrate the 130th year since the original Exhibition at the Guildhall in 1887, held by George Taylor, the originator of the Library and Museum, and after who the George Taylor Lodge is named.