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Carnarvon Lodge Burns Night – Reflections

Carnarvon Lodge Burns Night – Reflections

The Carnarvon Burns Night was a great success, with 85 people present.

A night full of entertainment: Burns poetry; Chris Parry of the Police Pipe Band piped the Haggis and played further music; The Haggis was Addressed by W.Bro John Hastie; with the reply from the Haggis by W.Bro Martin G White; On the piano W.Bro Alan Sears played some Scottish music throughout the night.

A competion was held to see which table could read the best verse from Holy Willies Prayer, which caused much amusement. A Red Red Rose was sung to the Ladies and all in all a great night was had by all.

Over £400.00 was raised for the 2018 Festival; a good result All in All.

Martin G. White – Lodge Secretary

No Hagis was harmed during the production of these images!