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Caer Caradoc ladies expecting Seven Ages of Man!!

This year’s Caer Caradoc Ladies’ Night has an unusual twist! On Saturday, 4th June Brethren and their ladies are invited to join together at Rushbury Village Hall SY6 7JD for a 1930h start. 

The supper is to be provided by a well known local caterer (!) and professional artist Kevin Tomlinson will perform his version of the “Seven Ages”. Critics have variously described the act as “wonderfully inventive”, “hilarious” and “refreshingly honest”, and we are promised that the audience will soon be “laughing uncontrollably”. 

Tickets are £25/head from Martyn Davies-Friend – book now by clicking here!

PS – the picture above (taken from Kevin’s act) bears no intentional resemblance to any Shropshire Freemason