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Big boost for Ockment Centre in Okehampton

THE Ockment Centre in Okehampton is one of numerous organisations across the county to receive part of £25,000 being donated by the Freemasons of Devon.

Every spring and autumn, Freemasons from around Devon meet to give support totalling in excess of £40,000 to local charities and organisations. Since the first disbursement in 2001 more than £600,000 has been given to over 700 worthy causes selected by members of the 137 masonic lodges based in the county.

The Ockment Centre was nominated by members of the Lodge of Obedience and member Ian Kingsbury presented a cheque to the Ockment Centre which was among the 25 causes chosen by the Lodge.

The Ockment Centre expressed thanks to the Freemasons for their kind donation and support.

This donation will help the centre purchase much needed equipment.

To find out more about what groups and events take place at the centre go to