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Australian Freemasons dig deep for centre


Freemasons have raised more than $4300 for a worthwhile cause. The Wimmera Combined Freemason Lodges and young Freemasons group West Wimmera Region Blue Lounge Social Club presented Nhill Aviation Heritage Centre with a cheque for $2307 from the recent garage sale held at Horsham Masonic Centre.

Wimmera region Freemasons have raised $4345, including raffle sales, for the Wirraway project. Worshipful masters and lodge representatives from Marnoo (Stawell), Lowan (Nhill), Dimboola and Wimmera (Horsham) were present for the cheque handover.

WWRBLSC president Rhys Webb presented the cheque to Nhill Aviation Heritage Centre president Rob Lynch.

Mr Webb thanked all lodges in the region for their support and especially Bill Howarth, Madeline Ingram, Paul and Yvonne Webb, Ian Brilliant, Noel Austin, Don Mitchell and all WWRBLSC members who have given a lot of time and effort into the fundraising project.

GENEROUS: NAHC president Rob Lynch and WWRBLSC president Rhys Webb during the recent cheque presentation.

GOOD NIGHT OUT: WWRBLSC, Wimmera combined lodges and NAHC members at the recent presentation dinner after the successful fundraising garage sale.