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Arboretum Lodge supports the Derbyshire Childrens’ Holiday Centre

On Wednesday, 11th May, Arboretum Lodge No. 731 presented a cheque for £250 to the Derbyshire Children’s Holiday Centre (DCHC) in Skegness.  This was matched by a cheque from the Provincial Grand Charity for £250.

DCHC was established in 1891 to provide Derbyshire children having troubles in their home lives with a holiday in Skegness, Lincolnshire. At the present time it provides 450 holiday places per season.  The residential experience helps the personal and social development of the children, especially making it clear to them that they are accepted as worthwhile individuals. The development of the children’s self-esteem, attitudes and behaviour can be significant during the period.

Arboretum Lodge’s Master, W Bro. Duncan Chappell, presented the Lodge’s cheque and the Charity Steward, W Bro. Arthur Hill, presented the donation from the Province. The chairman of the charity and the local fund raiser attended to receive them.

W Bro. Keith Heap gave a short explanation of the charity donations and the chairman replied with a detailed account of the work undertaken by DCHC to try and enhance the lives of troubled children living in Derbyshire. He gratefully received the cheques and informed the Lodge members that the money would be put to good use.

At the Lodge meeting after the presentations, W Bro. David Greenway delivered a talk entitled “Freemasonry Cares”.  He explained how the new charity, the Masonic Charitable Foundation, works and what assistance it offers in a sincere and informative manner.