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Alder Tree Lodge No 9289 present £600 cheque to North Hampshire Deaf Children’s Society

North East Area of Hampshire Freemasons 



Freemasons in Hampshire helping CharityOn 2nd July 2016 Alder Tree Lodge No 9289 held a Charity Black Tie Dinner on behalf of The North Hampshire Deaf Children’s Society at Farnborough Masonic Centre. Following a successful raffle raising £475.00 the Master W. Bro Brian Lawrence was able to present the Charity with a cheque for £600.

The Charity was represented by Jo Goodhew, Chairperson and Louis Hodges, Treasurer pictured.

The NHDCS support children and young persons up to 18 years by arranging activities where they can meet others suffering from similar difficulties, so they realise they are not alone and to help create their self-esteem and confidence. The Charity also support the families by bringing them together, assisting with communication skills (signing and oral), educational needs and benefits and just being there for a friendly chat after a bad day.

Jo Goodhew said that the donation will enable them to provide 6 months of activities and thanked all present for their generosity.

Brian Lawrence
Master Alder Tree Lodge No 9289