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2016 RAM ASSEMBLY | Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of East Anglia

Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of East Anglia


24th June 2016

The rehearsal is at 15:30 PGM, okay do you want me to be there, yes please I was told. Feeling generous I arrived in time. The traffic surrounding Cambridge was grid locked, so much so that my driver David Cuthbert did a U turn and we went another way. Lost poor Richard Styles who had tried nobly to keep up with us on the A14.

Rehearsals over, they seemed to be okay, despite my Deputy trying to argue with me about the opening; and I had the script open in front of me, bless him!!!! Coffee was calling downstairs and my work for now was done. Downstairs there were a huge number of Royal Ark Mariners gathering to board our Ark. Gentle banter with many, solicitous enquiries of some, but smiles of pleasure by all. We had a ships company of over 90 who were looking forward to the evening of rewards for some and enjoyment for all.

All to soon it was 17:45 and I had to dress and have photographs with the recipients of Provincial RAM rank, both individually and as a collective. Alright Brethren says the Provincial GDC form up. As we waited for the Geoffrey Dicker Lodge to be opened the team shared happy conversation and some gentle leg pulling, indeed the Provincial SW was heard to remark “I do have feelings you know”, which of course prompted some wag to say “do you!”

In we went, a warm welcome from the Commander W.Bro Burniston who offered me the conduct of the lodge and resigned his seat to me, I took his seat and returned his gavel (he meant sceptre but got confused with the moment). I opened a Provincial Assembly in due form, promoted the well deserving brethren, listened to a monologue about the ‘ole in the ark by W.Bro David Blair, addressed the ships company and it was time to close the Provincial meeting.

The Provincial GDC restored the Lodge Officers to their places, I returned to my seat for a short while as Tim Ridley formed up the retiring procession. To Order Brethren as the PGM retires and off we went. Another assembly completed, so down to the bar for a welcome glass of water, and finally sat down to dinner. An excellent repast was set before the ships company, the time honoured toast were drank, and some were given with heaped praise. The toast to the PGM was a well crafted and diligently researched speech of lengthy proportions. It was so insightful I share the full text with you, “The Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro Paul Anthony Norman”. Needless to say Bernie had some gentle ribbing in my reply, he of course responded magnificently. All in all a great day and much enjoyed by all who attended. Now my focus must turn to Provincial Grand Lodge in July, there is still time for you to come a share this event with us too.