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£1,600 was raised at a Garden Party

Warm weather greeted more than 150 Masons, Friends and Family to Stanway House in Gloucestershire for a charitable fund raising Garden Party hosted by Peter and Madeline Ross.

Peter and Madeline chose The Acquired Aphasia Unit situated in Cheltenham Road, Evesham to benefit from the afternoons activities. The Chairman of the Trustees, Michael Gage, was present and acknowledged and thanked Peter and Madeline, together with everyone present, for the magnificent result.

Peter and Madeline were assisted throughout the afternoon by their daughter Glynda and her partner Malcolm and Grand Children.

£1,600 was raised from various activities including a Raffle, thanks to all those who donated prizes, Duck Racing between the Top Lake and the Lake in the Picnic Ground. A special thank-you to Brian Mills who having won the prize money promptly donated it back to the charity.

The wonderful Hall of the main house was opened for viewing before the Magnificent Jaw Dropping Fountain rose to the delight of everyone present.

With copious supplies of Scones, Madeline’s delicious home-made Strawberry Jam, clotted cream and wonderful home-made cakes, thanks to all who baked and donated, together with tea and coffee the afternoon was a roaring success.

Peter’s year to date has certainly been memorable. He has already been able to present more than £2,000 to local charities thanks to Sunday’s event and the Asparagus Supper.

With the Christmas Lunch and the main event, LADIES NIGHT  on SATURDAY 12TH MARCH 2016 at the CHATEAU IMPNEY HOTEL DROITWICH  still to  come, Peter and Madeline are creating many happy memories of a wonderful year.

Enjoy a few Pictures, I am searching for evidence of Peter and Madeline who seem to be a little camera shy. If you have a picture I’d be pleased to get a copy for this article.

Sitting comfortable
Amongst Friends
Ruth looking amazed
Getting Wet
Supporters from Malvern
Lovely Family Afternoon
Inside the Main Hall
Fine Dining
Waiting for the ducks to appear